Forgot my Apple ID and Password.

Did you register Apple a long time before and forgot the password? Or do you think one of the Apple IDs is yours, but still, you are not able to access it. Don’t worry,...

How to make free calls from your iPod.

Why do you want to worry about your phone always. If you person love your iPod and always carrying with you to listen your favorite songs, then read more here, you can use your...

How to Make iPhone Unreachable While Using Internet?

All of us want to hide from mobile towers just for a while to relax in our own world. There are few occasions that you may want to set your iPhone unreachable at least...

A Free Weather Forecast Calendar on iPhone/iPad Calendar.

When you schedule your local or business trips on iPad / iPhone / iPod, it is good to have a glance on coming weeks weather condition. This tip will help you to set up...

iPhone as portable hard disk for your Windows

Imagine a situation that you want to carry some important files for your business trip. You are already taking your 16GB or 32GB iPhone or iPod with you. Well, then you do don't want...

How to check BSNL Landline Call Details Online?

Do you know that you can get all the call details of your land line from BSNL online? The online methods are replaced the legacy application and follow up cases and instantaneous too. A new self-care...

How to Soft / Hard reset Nokia 5800?

Soft Reset will clear pending errors and bring your mobile to an initial state by restoring Factory setting. To operate this function on your mobile, the shortcut is: *#7380#. This function apparently works on...

Search Google by SMS from your phone.

This free service from Google is good for those who are still using the ordinary phone with out internet connection. A smart phone user can use this one if he does not have a...