HomeSocialHow to Stop Strangers from Adding You to Instagram Groups

How to Stop Strangers from Adding You to Instagram Groups

Someone added me to a group on Instagram, and I was not aware until saw the message requests getting flooded. Strangers and scammers on Instagram add people to groups randomly to spam your inbox with unwanted content. There are time passers to fraudster Instagram sellers who add you to such groups. Here is a fix for that.

Read the guide to know how to stop being added to Instagram groups by random people.

Stop Being Added to Groups on Instagram

By default, Instagram settings allow literally anyone on Instagram to add you to any group. Well, that sounds scary, I know. Anyways, you can change this and get yourself some privacy on Instagram.

Instagram Privacy Settings on iPhone and Android

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile tab.
  2. Tap the three-line menu icon on the upper right corner.
  3. Go to Settings from the menu.
  4. From the Settings window, go to Privacy.
    Change Who Can Add You to Groups in Instagram
  5. Tap “Messages” under the “Interactions” section.
  6. Tap “Who Can Add You to Groups.”
  7. Choose the “Only People You Follow on Instagram” option.

Stop Being Added to groups on Instagram

Related: How Change Instagram App Icon on iPhone and Android

After changing the option, no one outside your friendship circle can add you to random groups. Voila! you will be free from scammers. This will let only people who you follow add you to any groups, not even your followers. You can thus stop being added to groups on Instagram by unknown people.

Editor’s Note: As of now, Instagram has rolled out the option to opt-out of group messages from strangers for a limited number of accounts. We have observed that the business/professional Instagram accounts get the option right away. In case you cannot find the option to stop strangers from adding you to random Instagram groups, switch your Instagram account to a Professional account and check back later.

Disclosure: Mashtips is supported by its audience. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


  1. Thank you so much for this. For the past few days bots have been spamming me and it’s annoying. One even asked my to represent them as a “gaylien” when I’m not even gay.

  2. I keep getting added to groups as well, on the iPhone i have no option for messages in Settings/Privacy and searching for messages or groups finds nothing either 🙁


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