Did you block any profile on Clubhouse? How do you know if somebody blocked your profile? There are some features to block profiles on Clubhouse? The clubhouse has some additional features to block anybody or from the rooms that you join. Once you block any profile, they won’t be able to join the room that you enter. You may wonder about an “information” icon link on someone’s profile in Clubhouse.
if you are wondering, it is a blocked profile in Clubhouse. But you won’t see this icon on all the profiles that are blocked on Clubhouse.
What’s Blocked Profile Icon in Clubhouse

The icon on this image particular indicates a blocked profile. However, you can see this warning or information icon on your profile under certain conditions. Here the blocked user might be blocked by your follower. And this is an indication that the above profile has been blocked by one of your followers in the Clubhouse. So you can take this as a warning about this profile.
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How to Find Out Your Blocked Profiles

You can block any profile in Clubhouse and if you check their profile you can see that you blocked them. As you see the blocked box next to their picture indicated that you blocked this profile in the clubhouse. You can unblock or block them again by visiting this profile again.
Find Out List of People Blocked in Clubhouse
There is no direct option or feature available for Clubhouse users to find out the list of user-profiles you blocked in Clubhouse. I’m sure this is going to be a useful feature to come and check the blocked profiles in Clubhouse. However, there is no such feature released yet. We will update here once Clubhouse roll-out that feature in future updates.
Find Out Who Blocked You in Clubhouse
Similarly, there is no direct solution to check if somebody blocked you. However, sometimes you won’t be able to join particular rooms, where the other users who blocked you, joined in. If you want to block or unblock somebody in Clubhouse, check this article. You can read that article to block profiles from a room or Club.
Personally, I feel that there should have an option to see the list of blocked profiles in Clubhouse. I see that the team behind it is bringing a lot of features in each update, and we can expect this feature in upcoming updates.