HomeStreamHow to Delete Netflix Viewing History instead of Profile

How to Delete Netflix Viewing History instead of Profile

Netflix recommends movies and shows based on your recent watch history. This movie and show recommendations are helpful to quickly find out the related and favorite shows based on watch history. This feature is excellent, as long as you are the only one using your Netflix account. What you do if you are sharing the same Netflix account for your family and kids. It is going to embarrassed sometimes if you are sharing your account with your friends or family. They can see Netflix viewing history by profile and all the shows and movie history they watched. This may include what you watched before and they may get the recommendations from Netflix based on your recent watch history.

Let’s see how to delete Netflix viewing history instead of profile and clean up the information about the shows and movies you have watched.

Delete Netflix Viewing History

The only solution to remove this history was to delete the entire Netflix profile and create a new one. But this may end up losing all your view history, reviews, and watch list tied up with that Netflix profile.

Related: How to get Netflix Viewing Activity IP and Devices?

Fortunately, the streaming service introduced a new feature that lets you select and delete individual shows or movies that you watched from Netflix viewing history by profile. To take advantage of this new Netflix feature;

  1. Log in to your Netflix account with your credentials.
  2. Click on the tiny icon of your profile on the right top of the page.
  3. Now click on your Account from the pull-down menu.Netflix Account Page
  4. Your Account Details will open on a new page.
  5. Scroll down until you see the PROFILE & PARENTAL CONTROL section.
  6. Now, you see a down-arrow next to your profile to expand.Netflix Viewing Activity View
  7. Click on Viewing Activity to launch your Profile Viewing Activity.Netflix Viewing Activity Hide

You will see the history of all the shows and movies you watched on this list. Find out the list of shows you want to remove from this list.

Now you can click on the icon right to each show to hide them individually. Alternatively, you can click on the “Hide all” button to hide all viewing activity in one shot. Netflix offers to remove the selected item from your viewing activity on all devices within 24 hours.

Related: How to Download Netflix Movies and TV Shows.

You can Delete Netflix Viewing History by deleting the entire Netflix profile from your account. Choose this option if you are looking for an option to delete all your history and reviews all in one shot. You can start from the beginning by creating a new profile on your same Netflix account.

Now enjoy your Netflix streaming service with your favorite movies and shows. Delete your watch history from your profile after watching them and start a clean profile with a few easy clicks as we described above. Now you can individually delete the Netflix viewing history by profile and clean your Netflix account whenever you want.

Disclosure: Mashtips is supported by its audience. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


  1. Thanks for the info. Trouble is even that feature is not working. Whilst it got rid of some of the unwanted items, others have lingered, despite getting the message that they will be deleted in 24 hours. Any suggestions on a work around to this problem?


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