HomeMobileAndroidHow to Share/Sync Common Calendar on iPhone, Android& PC?

How to Share/Sync Common Calendar on iPhone, Android& PC?

Calendar sharing is a problem for those who have family members using mixed mobile platforms like iPhone and Android. When we talk about Note and Calendar apps, there are only a few common platforms to effectively share the data between major mobile platforms like Android and iOS. There is a Free and Easy Solution to Sync/Share All Calendar Events with All Platform like Android, iOS, Mac, and Windows.

Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendar are the best two platforms that can share the Calendar events between Android, iOS and Windows mobile platforms. Here we are discussing a solution to Sync and Share Calendar between Android and iOS mobile using Google Calendar.

Follow the steps below to configure Google Calendar to share between iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows platforms. This workaround is efficient and reliable even with multiple calendars and sub-calendars to share on Android and iPhone.

Step1: Create Google Accounts for Calendar

To begin with, you must have one Google account. Better to have separate Google account for each user, if you don’t want to share Google login credentials. For the demo purposes, we used two separate Google accounts, a private account for iOS users and a secondary Google account for Android.

Step2: Set up Multiple Calendars on Google Primary Account

Let us consider one Google account as primary, and login into this Google calendar account on your computer web browser. On the calendar setting, you can create multiple calendars under one Google primary account.

Google Secondary Calendar

This scenario is ideal when you want sub-calendars such as Kids Calendar to share with your kids for their school activity, Dr. Appointments Calendar to share with your spouse and Office Events Calendar as your own.

Step3: Share Google Calendar Family Members (Secondary Email)

Now you can start to share these calendars with your family members with their Gmail accounts. To share Google Calendar, log in to Primary Google Calendar > Settings (right top corner) > Calendars Tab > Select the calendar > Shared Edit Setting > Share with specific people > Set the permission to See only/ Make Changes.

Google Secondary Calendar

You can specify the people with their email (secondary) address with Calendar View only or Manage Permission.

Step4: Make Sure iPhone Can Sync with Multiple Google Calendars

Sometimes you may end up some issues to sync Google Secondary Calendar with iOS devices. To make sure you selected all secondary calendars for iOS, please click on the iPhone select link from Google to Synch iOS and make sure you checked in all calendars.

Sync Google Secondary Calendar iOS

If you have any problem to sync Google Secondary Calendars on the iOS device, please read our detailed article to Sync Google Secondary Calendars on iPhone/ iPod.

Step5: Set Google Calendar on iPhone

Once you all set the above steps, you can start to sync Google Primary account on your iOS Device. It is pretty easy as usual, in iOS Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Tap on Add account to add Google account and Calendar on your iOS device.

Google Calendar on iOS

You can add multiple numbers of Google account to your iPhone Calendar. We have a step by step instructions on the article to set up Google Calendar on iPhone/ iPod

Step6: Set Google Calendar on Android Device (Secondary / Primary)

Google Calendar and other services are built for Android and the setup is pretty straightforward. Your family members can add Shared Calendar on their Android devices by adding a secondary Google account and turn on the calendar in Android Settings.

Android Holiday Calendar

There are even more features that you can add on your Android device like Google Holiday Calendar, Google Note, etc.

Step7: Set Google Calendar on Mac Laptop (Secondary / Primary)

MacOS is good with Google calendars, and pretty easy to add Google calendar on MacOS. Go to Mac Settings > Internet Accounts > Select Google Account to add > Make sure to turn on Calendar on your Google Account to display on your Mac Calendar application.

Google calendar on MAC

There is a workaround to add holidays and weather calendar on your Mac in addition to this Google Calendar, the step by step instruction can read here to add Holiday Calendar on MAC.

Step8: Set Google Calendar on Windows 8/10 Laptop (Secondary/ Primary)

Microsoft made very easy to work Google Calendar on Windows operating system from Windows 8 onwards.

Google Calendar on Windows 10Windows 8 includes the calendar tile application which is normally connected to your Microsoft account. But if you want, you can combine the power of Windows 8 and Google Calendar by adding Google Calendar to Windows 8. Even in Windows 10, the new Calendar App allows configuring Google Calendar accounts and iCloud.

Based on our experience, Google Calendar is the best common platform to work with all mobile and PC operating system with real-time synchronization and multiple secondary calendar capability.

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  1. Thanks for the article. Indeed, it looks easy to connect. I have android phone and windows pro book. my problem, after synchronization is that the pro book calendar extracts the data from my android, but not the other way around. meaning, google doesn’t extract the data I put on my pro book calendar which makes me put all my events on the phone, which is quite uncomfortable. I haven’t yet found a solution to that one and any help is much appreciated.

    • @Angel,
      What do you see on Google Web Calendar? Can you see all events that you scheduled on Android on Web calendar? If yes, please make sure to use the same account on MacBook Pro. The sync flow is: Android Calendar <-> Google Calendar <-> MacBook Pro


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